Apple Music is a streaming music service that aims to become a benchmark in the sector and compete with other platforms such as Spotify. For this reason, it was to be expected that sooner or later its version for Android would come out, which has just left the beta version.
Apple, looking for users from other platforms, launched the beta of its Android mobile service since last November. About ten months later, in which it has been receiving a series of improvements throughout this stage, it is now when Apple Music for Android , leaves the beta reaching the version 1.0.0.
Apple Music for Android comes out of beta
What's New in Apple Music
Now you can enjoy Apple Music if you have a smartphone with Android higher than 4.3. In principle, no excessive new features have been added with respect to the last beta, although they have been included more options in the equalizer and some performance improvements.
Despite presenting itself as a stable version of the app, there are many users who point to the existence of many errors, such as the excessive consumption of resources, problems in some functions, or even in the size of the files of the songs that we download to play them offline, among many others.
In return, we can find some elements that users will like very much, such as a modern interface, the existence of widgets to put on our home screen or the possibility of save songs to sd card, something that other applications of this style do not offer.
Download Apple Music for Android
If you are interested in trying the definitive version of apple music It is possible that you already have the beta installed on your smartphone, in which case you will only have to wait for its update to arrive. But if you haven't tried it yet and now is when you want to discover this interesting application, you can download it from the Google Play Store at the link below:
Once you've tried Apple Music on your Android mobile, we invite you to go through our comments section to give us your opinion about this new service, or to tell us if you prefer it or not to Spotify and what are your reasons for this preference.