Google Duo adds subtitles to videos and video calls

The video calls They have become an essential in recent months. And Google Duo is Google's tool for this task.

But on many occasions we find that we have to answer a call or watch a video in a noisy environment in which we do not finish hearing well. To solve this, the Google tool has introduced its function of subtitles.

Subtitles are coming to Google Duo

Similar to YouTube

Google Duo video calls can be automatically subtitled in a very similar way to how we can do it on YouTube. While we are watching a video or participating in a conference, we can read everything that is being said.

Subtitling will be available for both video calls and video files sent through the app. This makes the use of Google Duo more comfortable even in professional situations, since if you are teleworking and you have a crying child or a barking dog behind you, this will not make you miss anything that is being said.

Although Google has already confirmed the arrival of this service, what we don't know yet is how long it will take to be available in Spanish. Normally, these types of functions tend to arrive first in English language (normal considering that it is an American company), and later its use is extended to different languages.

For Android and iOS

Actually, this subtitling feature in Google Duo is not exactly new. It was already available for some time for Pixel phones, which are usually the first to try everything from Google. But the novelty is that from now on this new function will also be available for mobile devices. Android and iOS of different brands.

This feature is also expected to be available soon for the desktop version, which were enabled not too long ago via the browser. In this way, Google Duo could become a very powerful professional tool, now that, as a result of the pandemic, many companies have begun to realize the benefits of teleworking.

If you already have Google Duo installed on your computer, all you have to do is wait for the next update to arrive. Then you may be able to start using subtitles without much trouble. In the event that you do not have it, you can download it at the link indicated below. Like most of the applications in the Google suite, it is completely free, and it is available for practically any smartphone model:

Google Meet
Google Meet
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free

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