El internal storage It is one of the points that we usually take into account when choosing a smartphone when we are going to buy it new.
There are even some models that have several versions, depending on the storage what we want And that makes it even more difficult for us to decide whether to opt for more storage or more economy. But we are going to give you some points that can help you.
How much internal storage do I need?
How many apps do you use?
The needs in terms of internal storage depend a lot on the use you are going to give your smartphone. If you are only going to install WhatsApp and some social network (which is the use of many average users), you do not need a large amount of GB. On the other hand, if you need a large number of apps, it is preferable that you opt for a model with more capacity.
It is also important that you take into account a detail. And it is that the applications will later be launched updates, which will need more free space on your phone. Therefore, although at first it seems that with little storage you have more than enough to install all the apps you want, it is easy for that need to increase as new updates arrive.
Another point to keep in mind is the type of applications you need to use. Messaging applications, for example, tend to take up much less space than games. If you are a gamer of your mobile, it is interesting that you opt for a greater internal storage.
The quality of the photos also influences
The photos and the videos that we make with our smartphone greatly influence the amount of storage that we may need. If you're not too fond of taking photos and videos, you might be able to get by with little storage. On the other hand, if you spend your life taking photos, it is likely that you need more space.
But not only the number of photos you take influences. The larger the quality of an image, the more space it occupies on your device.
Therefore, in the event that you have got a model that takes high-quality photos and you want to get the most out of it, it is interesting that you do not settle for a model of reduced quality, but look for one with more space.
How many files do you receive?
Another point that eats up a large part of our internal storage are the files that we receive through instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp. By now, you've probably been using these types of tools long enough that you know how many files your friends usually send you. Depending on this, you will be able to know if you are going to need more or less available space to accommodate all the photos and videos that come to you.
What points do you take into account when choosing the internal storage of your mobile? We invite you to tell us about it in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
I would like a cell phone with great capacity, although I know that it can be achieved through an sd card, although I am not used to it due to lack of capacity, it is to store videos and music with very good resolution and audio, respectively.
Why are they deleted after a few hours or days of sending or receiving photos or videos on Watsapp?