On Instagram, how many hashtags maximum in each post?

instagram how many hashtag

You use the social network of photographs on a daily basis but you have always had a doubt and it is instagram how many hashtag maximum in each post?.

Almost all of us know that a hashtag, is a label that we put on our social media posts, so it can be easier to find them. But surely you have seen many posts on networks such as Instagram or Twitter, in which a large number of hashtags are added. Sometimes almost one for each word written on it.

And this is not only useless, but can even be counterproductive. Reading a phrase based on hashtags is not comfortable, and instead of attracting new followers, we may be driving them away. Let's see how many hashtags are necessary on Instagram, but without going overboard.

On Instagram, how many hashtags maximum in each post?

Up to 30 hashtags on Instagram

Instagram It allows us to put up to a maximum of 30 hashtags in each publication. And there are users who think that it is necessary to hurry those 30 labels as much as possible. The point is that hashtags allow you to group all the photos based on their theme. Many users think that by adding a large amount, it will be possible for more people to find us. With this, we believe that we will gain more followers and more interaction, becoming an influencer.

However, the reality is that if we go to the hashtags we sometimes find images that have little to do with the topic. And this is because only the label or hashtag has been used to try win followers. It happens, for example, with popular hashtags like #itgirl or #picoftheday. These have ended up being filled with uninteresting content for followers, due to the misuse that many Instagram users give them.

Do you really gain followers using many hashtags?

The reality is that, precisely because of this excessive use of many hashtags, they have been losing their effectiveness when it comes to really gaining new followers on our social networks. And it is that if we enter a hashtag and see that much of the content grouped in it has nothing to do with its subject, we probably have no interest in that content and end up passing by. Therefore, we will not have gained new followers, following this widespread erroneous strategy.

On Instagram how many hashtags maximum in each post

In addition, Twitter for example considers spam any tweet that has more than 6 or 7 hashtags. In this case, putting too many, not only would not help you at all, but could even harm you.

It is also not effective to use hashtags in descriptions or bios in our social networks, much less if we abuse them. In short, we could say that labels are positive if we use them correctly, but an excess will only cause saturation and bewilderment in our followers.

Conclusions, how many maximum hashtags on Instagram in each post?

In conclusion, it is best not to mix hashtag and tags, with the descriptive text of the photograph. Ideally, leave the hashtags for the end of the post or for a later comment. With this, the reading of the description of the post will be agile and fast, without finding strange symbols.

Another conclusion is to only use the hashtags in relation to the post that we are going to publish. It seems logical, but in this social network, logic is below the desire for prominence. If your photograph is of a landscape, it is normal to label it with the following:

  • #landscape
  • #scenery
  • #natural landscape
  • #beautiful landscape
  • #landscape
  • #landscapephotography
  • #landscape_lovers
  • #landscapecaptures

With these, you are going to enter those tags that will be related to your publication. If you add tags like #love , #followme or #follow, which are very popular, you will mislead those who follow you.

And you? Do you use hashtags a lot often in your posts? If it has become clear to you on Instagram how many hashtags maximum in each post, we invite you to go through our comments section, at the end of this article, and give us your opinion about it.

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      Nuria said

    Something very strange is happening to me lately: after posting I usually add hagstags that I find useful and I've never had a problem doing it until two days ago. I use IG on an iPad and an Android phone and have both the most up-to-date versions. I would appreciate some advice. Thanks.

         Dani said

      Hi, what's wrong? Sometimes it has happened to me that I have put more hashtag than the account and the photo has appeared alone, without text.