Motorola Moto X, user manual

El Motorola Moto X, you already have the manual de user e instructions Android through the technical support page Motorola.

If you are the owner of this mobile phone, it is recommended to download this document in pdf format, in which you will find the instructions for starting up and daily use.

First steps with the phone, manage contacts, calls, how to solve problems that its operation presents, reset to factory mode, etc.

This user manual and instructions android, you can download it in Spanish, with technical specifications in format pdf. You will need the program installed Adobe Reader, to be able to open the pdf file that contains the manual.

With this user guide, you will learn how to adjust the brightness of the screen, speaker volume, how to manage the home screen, applications, customize notifications and functions, manage the different applications (calendar, contacts, files, reminder agenda, music, photo and video galleries), all information, as well as any connectivity settings with other android devices.

The pdf file that you will download has 2,5 megabytes and 69 pages.

– If the above link does not work or is down, you can download the manual on the Motorola support page.

Doubts?. If after reading the manual you have any questions, you can enter our Android-Motorola Forum, open a topic with your query, provide tricks and use experience.

We hope that this manual will be of help to you, that after reading it and seeing the different procedures of use, you will take full advantage of all the functionalities and possibilities of this wonderful Android phone.

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      angel25 said

    battery problems
    My doubt is that I buy a second-hand motorola moto x for amazon, that is, used. and the equipment came with a generic charger, well, and the battery lasts me at most 8 hours. please I need help. 8 hours seems very little to me since my neighbor has a moto g and the battery lasts at most 13 or 14 hours.

      butter said

    RE: Motorola Moto X, instruction manual
    [quote name=”Francisco Lopez”]How do I make a video call from my Moto X over the cellular network?[/quote]
    With apps like viber or skype.

      Francisco Lopez said

    How do I make a video call?
    How do I make a video call from my Moto X over the cellular network?