Control your Consumption: Optimize Instagram to Use Less Data

Instagram consumes a lot of mobile data

Sometimes we see mobile data consumption and discover that we have spent more than necessary and that "we had only opened Instagram a few times." Well, this may be because you do not have data consumption optimized on Instagram. Keep reading what I'm going to tell you what you have to do to save data on Instagram.

Instagram can consume a lot of mobile data

disable ephemeral mode on Instagram

It is true that compared to other apps like YouTube or TikTok, which rely on the video format, Instagram does not consume as much data. But don't be fooled, on Instagram there is also a video format and when we slide our finger down again and again and again, It is normal that we consume a lot of data. Sometimes we are at home, with Wi-Fi activated and there is no problem. The problem is when we are away.

And it is common to spend some time with your cell phone, whether during breaks from work or studies, and start consuming content non-stop. We have become accustomed to having data and if we do not have an unlimited rate, We can lose the connection or get a surprise on the next bill. It is important to have control of mobile data consumption, there are apps that help you with this.

If you've received huge bills or simply ran out of data while browsing your Instagram feed, Don't worry because it won't happen to you again.. Below I am going to leave you a trick to control data consumption and enjoy your Instagram without interruptions. It is very similar to chrome basic mode which I also recommend if you use this Google browser.

Let's see how to save data on Instagram.

Activate data saving mode on Instagram

data saving mode on Instagram

Luckily, we have the possibility of establishing settings that limit data consumption when we are using Instagram. And no, we do not have to go to the settings section on our mobile, this can be configured directly from the Instagram app. So that you don't have high consumption again while checking your feed, I am going to explain to you step by step how to activate data saving mode on Instagram. It is very simple.

  1. First of all we will our profile on Instagram.
  2. Now you will have to go to the «Configuration» that has that “hamburger” shape with three horizontal lines at the top right of your screen.
  3. You will see that there is an option that says «Settings and privacy«, press it.
  4. Scroll down until you find the “Your app and media” submenu. There press «Data usage and media quality«.
  5.  Now simply tap the selector next to «Data saving» and leave it marked in green.

Ready, with this you have activated the data saving mode on Instagram. But in addition to this, there you can configure how the upload of photos and videos will be. If you upload photos without Wi-Fi and you have this option activated, you are probably consuming a large amount of data per photo or video you upload. Keep it disabled if you don't need your photos to be at their highest quality. or simply upload them when you're connected to home Wi-Fi.

Now, you can limit these high-resolution videos or photos so that they do not consume data outside of the Wi-Fi connection. On the same screen where the data saving mode is activated, you have the option that says «High resolution media files» which will be activated when data mode is also active. It is important that you configure this section as Wi-Fi Only.

This way you will no longer have such high consumption when you are browsing Instagram anywhere. I hope this guide has helped you avoid interruptions in your mobile data service or a shock on your phone bill. It has happened to me on more than one occasion and it is quite a drama. And has it happened to you? I read you in comments.

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