When should we change mobile?

Although there are of different ranges and different pricesIn general, we could say that a Android mobile it is not cheap. Therefore, unless we have a very high budget, we cannot be changing it every 2 × 3.

But find the best time to pass away our smartphones and acquiring new ones is not always easy, so we are going to try to help you make the decision.

What is the best time to change mobile?

Wait for the current one to not work

This is what the least consumerists usually do: wait for the android phone that they currently have stop working, to acquire a new model. It may seem that it is the most sensible solution, but we must bear in mind that this may mean being left without a mobile phone for a few days.

The most advisable thing is that when our mobile or tablet starts to give problems, we think about changing it, without waiting for it to break down completely.

Take advantage of android mobile offers

A very interesting option to get Android phones at the best price is to be awaiting offers. Instead of going to the store one day (or looking on the Internet) and taking the one you want, it is advisable to dedicate some time each day, to browse websites and catalogs, until we find one that suits our tastes and needs, that is discounted and thus obtain it cheaper.

Buy the flagship previous leading model

Normally, when a brand puts up for sale a new flagship leading model, usually launches in the first few days interesting offers for the previous model, which they want to liquidate as soon as possible. That may be a good time to find a mobile that continues to have good quality, at a more than decent price.

Wait for the price to drop (until you die)

Many times we are clear about the Android mobile that we like and instead of buying it at the moment, we prefer to wait for its price to drop a little. When that price drop arrives, other models that we like better have already come out and will we wait again? and so on until our "doom's day".

This option may be recommended, but it must also be borne in mind that this price drop does not always occur. smartphones like the OnePlus or the BQ, are characterized by having a fixed price, so unless we hunt an offer, they will only go down when their benefits are much lower than the market average. But with variable price mobiles, it can be a good option.

And you? When do you think is the best time to change your Android mobile? At the bottom of this article, you will find the comments section where you can leave your opinion.

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